Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bruschetta in a Jar

Heat water to simmering in your boiling water canner (or any pot large enough to place the jars in the canner and have the water 1-2 inches above the tops of the jars). Get your lids simmering in a small pot, and set the bands aside.
Pour hot water into your clean jars and let them sit until you’re ready to add the tomatoes.
Mix the garlic, wine, vinegars, water, seasonings and salt in a saucepan and bring it to a boil…

Bruschetta in a Jar – Bran Appetit


Bruschetta in a Jar – Canning Goes Tomato « Bowl Licker


A few safety cautions before we begin… -Always use jars and lids approved for home canning use. -If the jar doesn’t seal properly, refrigerate immediately and eat within a month. Bruschetta in a Jar. Ingredients. 2 TBS dried

Bruschetta in a Jar | Ingredients for Life


I adore Bruschetta, but it is expensive to buy it pre-made and the taste varies from brand to brand, and not always in a good way. Not to mention the preservatives reek havoc on me. So I normally make my own, from scratch,

Bruschetta in a Jar | Savvy Eats


Bruschetta in a Jar is the third and final recipe we made at the canning party last weekend (the first two can be found here: Pear & Ginger Preserves and Summer Squash Pickles). It smelled fantastic, but the ingredient

Canning Granny: Canning Bruschetta in a Jar


Always on the lookout for another tomato canning recipe, I found this recipe for “Bruschetta in a Jar” in the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving and had to give it a try. Bruschetta is an antipasto from Italy whose origin

Bruschetta in a Jar


I have learned more about myself this summer than I have in the last five or six years. I’ve learned that I can work full time, blog for what seems like full time, help take care of a garden and.

Mother’s Kitchen: Bruschetta in a Jar


I wanted to share this boiling water bath canning recipe for tomatoes that is spectacular. This is from homecanning.com (the web site of the company that makes Ball canning jars). To it, I added 1/4 cup distilled vinegar,

Bruschetta in a Jar | Putting Up With The Turnbulls


We now preserve the majority of our salsa in 250mL jars. It is the perfect amount to serve to guests and add to our favorite omelettes. We think having bruschetta in a jar will be a tasty and convenient way to whip up some

Jalama Road Family Farmstand: Bruschetta in a Jar


Bruschetta in a Jar. My father-in-law says you always have more tomatoes than friends, well I think think that’s a good thing. I think everyone wants to find new ways to eat the fall surplus and I’m always trying to find new ways



Bruschetta in a Jar

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